About The Artist: Giving Form

Working with precious metals has been part of Cuban culture since ancient times. Mostly used for decoration, it has no doubt endured transformations, and has contributed to the elements and values of design.

Remberto Ramírez Oramas, sculptor by training, painter and silversmith by trade, is above all, a true master of transformation. In the thirty years he has developed his work as an artist, he has distinguished himself for the exploration of a semi-precious universe that blends the spirit of his work, full of movement, meanings, and diversity of forms. With his work he ennobles diverse materials, among them silk paper, manufactured paper, and on occasions golden paper. He is an expert on gemstones, which have become the center of his designs, with each piece of his jewelry perfectly designed. The silversmith does not distinguish among his works according to scales; he simply creates them with the exact measurements and correct proportions.

His most recent productions combine his craft as a silversmith and visual artist, which gives even greater value to his work. Without brushes or pencils, he draws with threads: not threads of wool, but “threads of silver.” Since they are not created to be merely utilitarian, each piece is an eloquent example of elegance and dialog with its own symbolism and look.

Metalworking has undoubtedly attained the level of fine art, precisely for those who, with their hands, turn the processes of embossing, filigree, and chiseling into truly artistic work.

Elisa María López Rodríguez

About The Artist: Giving Form

Escultor, diseñador, pintor y orfebre. La obra de este artista nos revela a través de sus piezas la capacidad de trasgredir e interrelacionar diferentes manifestaciones de su oficio, haciendo de cada pieza un ensamble con historia, magia y color. 

Su orfebrería devenida  escultura de pequeño formato es expresión de una armonía entre lo estético y lo funcional, brindando el deleite de diseñar una joya auténticamente contemporánea, trabajada con técnicas milenarias como el hilado, repujado, engaste y tejido donde cada pieza es única, considerada pieza de autor .

La plata será el material preferente por su nobleza y el significado que le revela para su inspiración y peculiar sentido de la estética, el diseño varía en dependencia de cada propuesta, como madurez de su trabajo fusiona las manifestaciones desarrolladas a lo largo de estos años llevando la orfebrería a la pintura y viceversa la pintura a la orfebrería, haciendo de cada joyas pequeños originales con majestuosos matices, también utiliza piedras semipreciosas, fósiles y el patinado del metal,  simbiosis perfecta entre lo bello y lo funcional.

Martha Castellano Bosch
Promotora Cultural

Using Format